school starts
School started some time back, been too busy to write anything. Met some new friends in school, talented bunch of people, a breath of fresh air for me. I guess that’s what school always does for people. There is an air about that infects you, pushes you to get things done you never gave a second thought to. A melting pot of creative vibe spreads through our conversations seeding thoughts of childlike idealisms and imagination. For now, the threat of money and job insecurities seem so far away, maybe somehow, I willed myself to stop thinking and stressing myself over something I have not much control over.
There is a song I heard, ‘People watching’ by Jack Johnson, he sings a line that read “we are only as lonely as we want it to be …” just thought it was a nice phrase to share if ever anyone feels a little alone.
For the past few years, after leaving polytechnic, I had this feeling like I lost something, but I just couldn’t put a finger on it, until just earlier I read a friend’s blog, an inspirational friend to say the least. I did not lose anything, I just gained fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of looking stupid, fear of seeming childish, fear of having not enough money….fearof loving too much, fear of loving too little... fear.
People should read this.
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