Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Quiet elegance

Hi guys, well… is the day she goes to Indonesia for a business trip, my dad has left for Vietnam for a holiday with his friends I guess. It’s just me and my mom. Hmmm, we will be having Nissin noodles for dinner, it’s my recommendation after tasting one nissin noodle dish from a Hong Kong restaurant the other day, in short, the dish was plain, simple and worth putting your heart into. Nissin noodle in soup with sesame oil, a stalk of Xiao bai cai, a fried sunny side up and lastly a couple of Chinese ham.
There is always a quiet elegance to the simple objects or place that always attracted me, its almost spiritual to be in a place or to come across an object like that, gives a feeling that this is were you were meant to be or what its meant to be like. I know this can sound abit ambiguous, but I am just discovering these phenomena of simplistic existence so pardon me there. I grew up in a country where the rat race is a norm, a country that produces efficient workers with both knowledge and speed. We have the best, most profession has to offer. Of cause there are exceptions….like in my earlier post. People here strive to be the best in making it ‘big’ in whatever it is they do. Now take a step back, and ask who or wat are they working for? And they will answer justifiably, “for my family”, “for my personal achievement” and lastly “for money”. And truthfully, I dun think there is anything wrong with that, in fact I will also be fighting and working for those three reasons, there really is nothing else we can live and work for…right?
I wish there was a feeling of something different, something that can clear the layers of dunnowatstuff that lies above my spirit and mind, do I sound like I need a religion? Well fyi, I dun, I just need an epiphany or an experience, one that can allow me to see everything with a new light.
Funny how a simple Nissin noodle can evoke such thoughts.
On another thought, I miss her, it feels different when you dun meet her but she is still in Singapore then you dun meet her cause she just isn’t in Singapore. Weird.
Anyways, I am saving for the Large format camera, I know I said in the ealier post that I did not want to buy it so soon anymore, well….screw that, its that or nothing……I am going to be a photographer even if it’s the death of me. And all these words that I write to try and tell you guys how I feel will never be enough, and hope that one day my pictures will give a clearer view emotionally and spiritually. Lets hope.



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