First time writing
Hi ppl of the world,
i am writing in a blog for the first time! after being an avid cynic of anything even close to public expressiveness....afterall, i always thought that personal views and feelings should be left behind a pile a junk courtesy of society's restriction and social ethics in the deep deep recesses of your mind. In other words, keep it to yourself.....yep. My excuse is that i am a true blue asian, i dun speak my mind......sad to say, i am not as outspoken as i wish to be, full blame goes to my upbringing....haha just kidding.....well i kinda like the way i turn out.....haha.....
Well abit about my background to those ppl who dun know me......yet (i think blogging is a nice medium for self glorifying purposes...haha....ahhhh fav. sin)
I grew up in a small district in Singapore call bukit batok, stayed there for 14 yrs, studied in a chinese primary school where i met my best friend, then moved on to a neighbourhood Secondary school in the west coast where i met more good frens. i then moved to a place called teresa ville and then on to Southhaven 2 where i still am now. After graduating from sec. school, i went on to get a diploma in Digital media design. i guess my life really changed there, i met my girlfriend there, an angel of a lady. She changed lots of things about me....and all for the better. The once laid back- heck care- bum- attitude of mine has changed to a laid back-heck care -bum - try to work hard attitude. 3 Cheers for me!
My Goals
i want to be an architectural and interior photographer who also dabbles in industrial photography when i grow up........ i want to set up a company that provides achitectural firms the service of documenting work in progress as well advertising their porfolios.
My goals in life are endless and i dun really think its of any interest to you guys so i wun write it all down. maybe i will have hints of it in the next issue of
in conclusion....i think my first blog posting has a highly successful screening due to the fact that my girlfren will read it....
wen out......
i am writing in a blog for the first time! after being an avid cynic of anything even close to public expressiveness....afterall, i always thought that personal views and feelings should be left behind a pile a junk courtesy of society's restriction and social ethics in the deep deep recesses of your mind. In other words, keep it to yourself.....yep. My excuse is that i am a true blue asian, i dun speak my mind......sad to say, i am not as outspoken as i wish to be, full blame goes to my upbringing....haha just kidding.....well i kinda like the way i turn out.....haha.....
Well abit about my background to those ppl who dun know me......yet (i think blogging is a nice medium for self glorifying purposes...haha....ahhhh fav. sin)
I grew up in a small district in Singapore call bukit batok, stayed there for 14 yrs, studied in a chinese primary school where i met my best friend, then moved on to a neighbourhood Secondary school in the west coast where i met more good frens. i then moved to a place called teresa ville and then on to Southhaven 2 where i still am now. After graduating from sec. school, i went on to get a diploma in Digital media design. i guess my life really changed there, i met my girlfriend there, an angel of a lady. She changed lots of things about me....and all for the better. The once laid back- heck care- bum- attitude of mine has changed to a laid back-heck care -bum - try to work hard attitude. 3 Cheers for me!
My Goals
i want to be an architectural and interior photographer who also dabbles in industrial photography when i grow up........ i want to set up a company that provides achitectural firms the service of documenting work in progress as well advertising their porfolios.
My goals in life are endless and i dun really think its of any interest to you guys so i wun write it all down. maybe i will have hints of it in the next issue of
in conclusion....i think my first blog posting has a highly successful screening due to the fact that my girlfren will read it....
wen out......
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